Dr. Jeffrey Barke is a board certified primary care physician in private practice for over 25 years. He completed his medical school and family practice residency at the University of California, Irvine. He has served as an Associate Clinical Professor at U.C. Irvine and a board member of the Orange County Medical Association. Dr. Barke was recently commissioned as an officer in the US Army Reserve Medical Corps. He is also a reserve deputy and a tactical physician for a local law enforcement SWAT team. Dr. Barke also served as an elected school board member for the Los Alamitos Unified School District for 12 years and is the co-founder and current school board chair of a free public charter school in Orange, CA called Orange County Classical Academy that uses Hillsdale College’s curriculum. Dr. Barke is the author of COVID-19, A Physicians Take on the Exaggerated Fear of Corona Virus. He is a sought after speaker on the failure of government education and all things related to COVID-19. Dr. Barke is a proud founding member of America’s Frontline Doctors. He is also the co-host of the podcast: InformedDissentMedia.com

Nose and throat protocol to reduce viral load: Use dilute Betadine or hydrogen peroxide to rinse the inside of you nasal passages and throat. Use a nasal spray bottle or Neddi-pot type device into the nose and spit out of mouth - don’t swallow. A 20:1 dilution is a good starting point. If this causes nose or throat irritation simply make the solution more dilute. Unless sterile water is used, dispose the left over and make a new solution each time. This can done every few hours at the start of symptoms or it can also be instituted following a potential exposure. This can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms and can prevent the onset of Covid if used preventatively after exposure.

 B.R.A.I.N. Welcomes guest speaker Dr. Jeff Barke

Have more questions for Dr. Barke? Reach out here jeff@rxforliberty.com or visit his website here: www.rxforliberty.com

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Dr. Barke on the News